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Showing posts from March, 2023Show All
Otters are back, but that doesn’t mean our rivers are safe
Beehives are the honeypot for a city’s microbial secrets
Wearable liquid pumps could one day regulate body temperature
Save 10 percent or more on Celestron telescopes and star-gazing gear
After 50 years in captivity, Lolita the orca may be freed
Watch this robotic dog use one of its ‘paws’ to open doors
Scaly lips may have hidden the T-rex’s fearsome teeth
There’s a glaring issue with the AI moratorium letter
Get 10TB of storage with Degoo Premium for a huge discount
How to save your feet from painful blisters
How science has made tornado forecasting better—but not perfect
These newly-discovered bioluminescent sea worms are named after Japanese folklore